Wednesday, November 18, 2009


This is the logo that we have created for the film distributer that we created, we chose to name our film distributer that we crated 'dead tree productions' we chose this because it sounds like a thriller type and we hope that the logo represents this.

Font ideas

Here i have researched different font types from the website these are examples of fonts that could be used for the titles in our thriller film opening. I have chosen these fonts because they reminded me of the style of writing used for titles in thriller films that i have seen, i also believe that these type of fonts fit the titles for our film opening because they are quite scary and would fit the genre of our film title and film very well.

Problems so far

The problems that we have experienced so far within our Thriller film opening is that on Saturday 14th November we arranged to do some filming at our chosen location, which is Saffron's house.
On the Friday after school i went with Saffron to collect the equipment that we would need for the filming that we were going to do the following day, we collected the camera we had booked and a tri pod but we did not collect the tape as we thought that somebody else in our group had already picked it up and had the tape.
So on the Saturday we realised that nobody had the tape so we tried to find out if somebody had a tape we could use, but we was unable to do so. So we were unable to do any filming on this day. In our next lesson we arranged another day to film which will be on Thursday 19th November, so we have booked all of the eqipment that we will need to start to film our opening to our Thriller film.
This problem that we have experienced we have become more organised as a group with what we need and who has what for our filming. We have also arranged what costumes and props we will need in advance to make sure that we have everything ready and so we will not forget anything for when we come to do our filming.
Also due to problems with finding possible dates to do our filming we have chosen to use a boy from our class, Jordan Friday to play the part of the stalker, who was previously being played by Ryan Evans. We have arranged to leave school at lunch on Thursday 19th November so that we are able to film during our media lesson that we have that day so that we hopefully will get most of our film opening filmed that day so it will hopefully be filmed quicker.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Before we begin filming our thriller film opening we have to think about what the ideal costumes our characters our going to wear in our film opening and the ideal location. I have uploaded some costume ideas that i found off of the internet for both the female and male character in our opening. Our female character is not actually in the film but we see a lot of pictures of her, the clothes in these pictures are both casual and fashionable. The male character will be dressed all in dark colours also in casual clothes. I got a picture of some houses for the location as this will be our location of our film opening.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Before we make our film opening we have to create an anamatic story board and film it so we have an idea of how many shots we will have and the timing of our film opening and also how our finished piece will turn out like. When filming this we completed it quite quickly and found we had no problems and everything ran smoothly, included the finished clip. Our film opening is only aloud to be 1:30 to 2 minutes at the longest, ours is exactly 2 minutes. Our anamatic consists of hand drawn images of what we think each shot will look like and we also estimated how long we thought each shot would be when we film the real piece. We also created our own music as we was not able to use anything that was copyrighted, we did this by using two keyboards. We was happy with the music we created and felt that it fitted in well with our anamatic film clip that we considered using it in our final piece as it works well to build up suspension and can also felt that it fitted in well with our ideas that we want for our finished film clip.

Thriller film opening

This is the opening credits to the film 'Seven' i have chosen this film to compare with our film opening because it uses the same ideas we would like to use within our film. It has a very unusual opening with no hint of who the character is, you do not get to see the character's face, and this is an idea that we are using in our film opening. This film also has the same sort of soundtrack that we are using, one that uneases and makes the audience watching feel uncomfortable. It also used unusal camera shots which we have tried to use in our opening, such as close ups and jump cuts. The shot of somebody writing is the same as one of our shots in our film opening.